Friday, June 19, 2020

Academic Disciplines Research Paper - 1650 Words

Academic Disciplines (Research Paper Sample) Content: ACADEMIC DISCIPLINESINTRODUCTIONAcademic disciplines are areas or fields of study in institutions of higher learning. It is a vast area that ensures all branches of knowledge are covered which espouses the organization of learning and the systematic production of new knowledge. They are often distinctively identified with academic units taught in institutions of higher learning. As such there can be numerous disciplines in any given institute on taught in an academic setting.Krishnan had the following as the characteristics of academic disciplines: 1 Disciplines have a particular object of research 2 Disciplines have a body of accumulated knowledge shared with another discipline referring though their object of research 3 Disciplines have theories and concepts that can organize the accumulated specialist knowledge effectively 4 Disciplines use specific technical knowledge adjusted to their research object 5 Disciplines have specific research methods. 6 They must have some institutional manifestation in the form of subjects taught at universities or colleges, respective academic departments and professional associations connected to it.Academic disciplines are therefore an important aspect of any university. The process of acquiring knowledge could have been a futility without it as there would have been random acquisition of knowledge but owing to its vastness it would be a jumbled process and tedious one.PURPOSE OF ACADEMIC DISCIPLINESOrganization of knowledgeThere are many areas to be studied each with different knowledge. The existence of disciplines helps to classify knowledge into different section and information relating to it availed in an organized manner. A student can easily identify a discipline which to major in, based on their qualities. Disciplines also help to group interrelated disciplines for easier organization in any institution of higher learning.Existence of many areas of knowledgeThe division of knowledge into disciplines is necessitated by the vast areas of study. It would be rather inappropriate to heap all of it into one. They could law, science (which has many branches), politics, commerce hospitality and philosophy. It is practically impossible o study all of it in one area.Simplify knowledgeDisciplines make the process of acquiring knowledge simple. Its easer when certain information is grouped with ones which relate. There are some which have a relation to one another or use the same resources such as books and they shall fall under the same discipline.PURPOSE OF ACADEMIC RESEARCHSupport or reject theoriesTheories according to the Merriam online dictionary defines a theory as a set of statements devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena especially those that have been tested over time. These theories are learnt in class and research sets out to make them credible or either rejects them.Guide in decision makingAcademic research enables students to make decisions based on the findings of their research. The facts collected in the research enables them to confront challenges that they encounter in the society. It enables them to cope up anything in their area of specialization. The information they have helps them to advance the development of human knowledge.Research helps develop investigative abilities.It cultivates the inquisitive ability which enables them to find out about many things in their areas of specialization. They collect facts, evaluate them and come up with valid conclusions that shall help the humanity to advance their knowledge.Discover, interpret and develop methods and systems for the advancement of knowledge.Characteristics of a disciplined researcherResearch involves information gathering. There are characteristics that make a researcher a good one and enable him to make the most of his time in researching. These include:Eye for detailA researcher should be observant and have that keen eye for detail. Without this the researcher may miss out on important information and his research may be a flop.Time managementA good researcher has to be a good time manger. Everything should be scheduled and accomplished within the required time.SourcesThe researcher should...